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Quick Facts

Gooru is an educational technology nonprofit dedicated to honoring the human right to education. Navigator is a GPS for learners that navigates students to their learning destination with assure success and provides evidence of learning to all learning stakeholders.  

Dr. Prasad Ram ("Pram") started Gooru as a "20 percent effort project" while at Google. After a year-long pilot in India that included 1,000 students across 25 classrooms, Pram subsequently left Google to pursue Gooru. Gooru was found in 2011. Since then Gooru has attracted millions in grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, Office of Naval Research, National Science Foundation, National University, Google, Cisco, and Pearson. Gooru is also supported by the Sobrato Family Foundation, whose Sobrato Center for Nonprofits provides office space for Gooru's U.S. based operations.

our mission

In the News

Awards and Recognition


Navigator Impact
Navigator for Mission Control
Learning Navigator Overview
Navigator for Students
Navigator for Teachers
LPS Math Navigator
Navigator in action Worldwide
Navigated Learning in India
Social Studies Navigator
Prasad Ram UC Berkeley Presentation

Gooru Assets