
Bringing together the learning ecosystem.

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Stronger Together

Gooru establishes partnerships with leading researchers in data science, learning science, psychology, cognitive science, and teacher education from around the world to develop Navigator technology.

NLC is Diverse

Content providers, administrators, and implementers contribute to Navigator applications and use them with their cohorts. Researchers bring learning science and data science to develop models for learner identity, use principles of learning in suggesting individual pathways, and estimate the efficacy of learning activities. Funders fuel innovation, place a spotlight on the diversity of learners, the complexity of learning, and the intricacies of the learning ecosystem.

Researchers: Gooru is a research-led organization that provides a pathway to impact for researchers. Leading researchers in data science, learning science, psychology, sociology, economics, and teacher education from around the world, collaborate and bring their science and expertise in data science, learning science, teacher education, cognitive science, and computer science to the learners. Researchers gain access to anonymized data in social, emotional, algorithms, and specific disciplines to further their fields and innovate the system while joining a mission to support learning outcomes for all learners and innovating an existing product used by millions.Researchers not only use Navigator’s existing tools, but can add tools and features based on their research needs.  

Researchers in the collaborative help define learning metrics by querying the database, requesting metadata, tracking student decisions, and developing tools or algorithms that will be incorporated into the Navigator to study efficacy, validate tools, improve learning effectiveness, or quickly test hypotheses with real-world data.The expertise researchers bring to the collaborative supports the operationalization of the science of learning with big-data to create a personalized learning experience that enables strong outcomes.

join the Collaborative

The World Bank in funding research and implementation of the Learning Navigator in adult skills training programs in Morocco.

Researchers at Stanford are investigating the use of big data to operationalize learning science as it relates to Navigated Learning.

The International Institute of Information Technology in Bangalore is researching the math and science of the Learning Navigator.

California University at Berkeley is contributing to the research of operationalized learning and the use of Big Data to inform learner pathways.

Advanced Distributed Learning or ADL is a US government program conducting R&D for Distributed Learning Modernization.

Drexel University is conducting studies on Navigated Learning in K-12 STEM classrooms.

Our tools are developed in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University School of Education to support individual student.

Colorado State University at Fort Collins University collaborates to improve the Navigator experience for individual students.

The University of Delaware is contributed to the use of big date to operationalize learning science as it relates to Navigator.

The University of Memphis is conducting studies on Navigated Learning.

Content providers: Content providers, implementers, groups with highly curated and scrutinized open education resources, and administrators bring expertise and content to Navigator courses. We welcome content experts from any discipline, in any language, for any age group, with any type of curated content. Content providers develop a competency model and migrate their existing content to be aligned with the competency model. Once your content is added, tagged with metadata, and crosswalked to standards you can begin to study the efficacy of your content, validate your content, and share highly curated content with learners and help them achieve learning outcomes. 

Content providers track and use learning outcomes based on learners using your content. You can create metadata and tags to track certain pieces of learning at every grain size. Based on learning outcomes and content tracking metrics, content providers can iterate on content in real time to increase learning efficacy. As a content provider you will be joining a mission to support learning outcomes for all learners and innovating an existing product used by millions.

joing the collaborative

MERLOT is making its entire library of learning resources available on the Learning Navigator that facilitate teachers and learners around the world.

The India Education Collective is implementing Navigator in Hindi in grades 1 thru 5 across India and adding learning resources in Hindi to  Navigator's catalog.

SkillsCommon is making its library of free and open learning resources to the Learning Navigator to facilitate teachers and learning everywhere.

Gyan Prakash is bringing the Learning Navigator in Marathi to grades 1 thru 5  in the state of Maharashtra and adding learning resources in Marathi Navigator's catalog.

Sampoorna Swaraj Foundation is using Navigator to prepare local elected officials with basic knowledge about governance in the Panchayati Raj system in India.

Tool Providers: Tool providers can integrate their tools into Navigator or build and distribute third-party tools via APIs. Tool providers contribute to building a comprehensive toolbar to enhance and support student learning in varied areas, such as tools for special education, decoder, glossary, text to speech, speech to text, graphing tools, notepad, or peer to peer.

Gooru maintains the infrastructure and tool providers can access thousands of varied learners and instructors to study efficacy, validate tools, and track use and learning outcomes.You will help define the tracking and metadata surrounding your tool so you can track use at different grain sizes and see learner journeys before and after tool use. As a tool provider, you will be joining a mission to support learning outcomes for all learners and innovating an existing product used by millions.

Join the Collaborative

Gooru is a non profit dedicated to the human right of education. It makes learning tools to facilitate educators and learners everywhere.

Lab Schools: Lab Schools are collaborators in the K-12 space who want to be involved in the research to practice cycle. Lab schools implement Navigator in their classes and cohorts, they create content and courses, and track learning competencies, and implementation techniques to boost learning outcomes. Instructors and administrators have access to different levels of real-time data to make in-the-moment modifications to teaching and learning approaches or provide additional support to struggling learners.  

Our labs schools can intricately track learning and collaborate with other instructors by making materials available to instructors everywhere through Navigator’s catalog, and providing anonymized data to improve the navigated learning experience for all collaborators. Lab school feedback and the ability to study learning and implementations practices is integral to Navigators innovation. Our lab schools are joining a mission to support learning outcomes for all learners and innovating an existing product used by millions.

JOin the Collaborative

Leadership Public Schools, a network of Oakland high schools is using the Navigator and collaborating with Gooru to develop and improve the student experience.

Gault Unified School District in California is using Navigator and is collaborating to build best practices to implement and tach with the Navigator.

Val Verde Unified School District in California is using the Learning Navigator collaborating with Gooru to create behavioral competency models.

Lammersville Unified School District in California is using Navigator and is providing feedback and classroom data specifically in middle school and remedial math classrooms.

Implementers: Implementers are K-12 districts, non-traditional classrooms, and post secondary schools who wish to implement Navigator. Governmental organizations, government-sponsored programs, post secondary schools, adult learning, skills training programs, remedial programs, and soft skills programs are implementing Navigator to track learning outcomes in real-time based on learner progress and provide additional support to struggling learners.

Navigator can be used by one instructor with a basic smartphone or by all learners with individual devices. It is easy to use, inclusive, scalable, learning-outcome focused and designed to demonstrate evidence of impact. Implementers are using Navigator's Mission Control dashboards at the student, class, district, and state levels to provide clear, easy to understand analytics on what is and isn't working for enhanced decision making, improved resource management, and better outcomes. As an implementer you are joining a mission to support learning outcomes for all learners and innovating an existing product used by millions.

JOin the Collaborative

Next Gen Personal Finance has implemented the Learning Navigator into its financial education courses.

The India Education Collective is implementing Navigated Learning and the Navigator in Hindi in grades 1 thru 5 across India.

ItsLearning, one of the largest digital learning management systems in Europe is collaborating with Gooru to develop the Learning Navigator.

Gyan Prakash is bringing the Learning Navigator in Marathi to teachers and students in grades 1 thru 5  in the Indian state of Maharashtra.

HoverCam is collaborating with Gooru to develop the teacher and learner experience in the classroom.

OFPPT is utilizing  Navigator in adult skills training programs in Morocco.

Utter is implementing the Learning Navigator to its English learning programs in India and Malaysia.

The World Bank in funding research and development to bring Navigated Learning to adult skills training programs in Morocco.

Silverback learning is developing the Learning Navigator in collaboration with Gooru and using the Navigator in K12 classrooms across the US.

Researchers at Stanford University  are investigating the use of big data to operationalize learning science as it relates to Navigated Learning.

Next Gen Personal Finance has implemented the Learning Navigator into its financial education courses.

The National Science Foundation is supporting Gooru and Navigated Learning with funding for R&D.

The India Education Collective is implementing Navigated Learning and the Navigator in Hindi in grades 1 thru 5 across India.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is supporting  the Navigator to improve learning outcomes for underserved students everywhere.

MERLOT is making its entire online repository of learning resources available on the Learning Navigator the facilitate teachers and learners around the world.

ItsLearning, one of the largest digital learning management systems in Europe is collaborating with Gooru to develop the Learning Navigator.

The India International Institute of Technology in Bangalore is researching the math and science of the Learning Navigator.

Leadership Public Schools in Oakland is using the Navigator and collaborating with Gooru to develop and improve the student experience.

Cisco is a long term supporter of Gooru and funds R&D of the Learning Navigator.

SAP is using the Learning Navigator in its professional training program for its engineers.

Gyan Prakash is bringing the Learning Navigator in Marathi to teachers and students in grades 1 thru 5  in the Indian state of Maharashtra.

SkillsCommon is making its repository of free and open learning resources to the Learning Navigator to facilitate teachers and learning everywhere.

California University at Berkeley is contributing to the research of operationalized learning.

Social Apha is supporting Gooru and Navigated Learning with funding to implement the Learning Navigator in K12 schools in India.

HoverCam is collaborating with Gooru to develop the teacher and learner experience in the classroom.

OFPPT is bring utilizing the Navigator in adult skills training programs in Morocco.

Advanced Distributed Learning or ADL is a US government program conducting R&D for Distributed Learning Modernization.

Drexel University is conducting studies on Navigated Learning and the science and math of learning.

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation was an early funder of Gooru and the promise of Navigated Learning

Gault Unified School District in California is using the Navigator and providing important feedback on the teacher and learning experience.

Google was and early believer in the promise of Gooru's mission and technology and a funder of our work.

Utter is implementing the Learning Navigator to its English learning programs in India and Malaysia.

Our tools are developed in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University School of Education

BRAC, one of the top global NGOs is implementing  the Navigator  to facilitate teachers and learning in classrooms across Bangladesh.

Val Verde Unified School District in California is collaborating with Gooru to improve the teacher and learner experience.

Gooru is a non profit dedicated to the human right of education. It makes learning tools to facilitate educators and learners everywhere.

Lammersville Unified School District in California is using the Navigator and  providing valuable feedback and classroom data to improve the teacher and learner experience.

The University of Delaware is contributed to the use of big date to operationalize learning science as it relates to Navigator.

Colorado State University at Fort Collins University collaborates to improve the Navigator experience for individual students.

The University of Memphis is conducting studies on Navigated Learning.

Partners: Partners across industries and learning disciplines worldwide can license and integrate Navigator tools into their applications in custom ways to assure learning for their cohorts and enhance their learning solutions. Partners can enhance their products with Navigator's capabilities, including open competency frameworks, open content, underlying technology, tools, and a trained AI engine. Navigator is not another online learning solution, partners can leverage Navigator’s ability as an equity enabler that brings transparency into the learner’s proficiencies, activities, and preferences. 

Partners can license tools, leverage Navigator APIs and widgets, or white-labeled Navigator courses to develop custom solutions to integration. Through this integration partners gain access to Gooru’s Navigator library, NCore technology, and in-depth student analytics.

The World Bank in funding research and development to bring Navigated Learning to adult skills training programs in Morocco.

Silverback learning is developing the Learning Navigator in collaboration with Gooru and using the Navigator in K12 classrooms across the US.

Researchers at Stanford University  are investigating the use of big data to operationalize learning science as it relates to Navigated Learning.

Next Gen Personal Finance has implemented the Learning Navigator into its financial education courses.

The National Science Foundation is supporting Gooru and Navigated Learning with funding for R&D.

The India Education Collective is implementing Navigated Learning and the Navigator in Hindi in grades 1 thru 5 across India.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is supporting  the Navigator to improve learning outcomes for underserved students everywhere.

MERLOT is making its entire online repository of learning resources available on the Learning Navigator the facilitate teachers and learners around the world.

ItsLearning, one of the largest digital learning management systems in Europe is collaborating with Gooru to develop the Learning Navigator.

The India International Institute of Technology in Bangalore is researching the math and science of the Learning Navigator.

Leadership Public Schools in Oakland is using the Navigator and collaborating with Gooru to develop and improve the student experience.

Cisco is a long term supporter of Gooru and funds R&D of the Learning Navigator.

SAP is using the Learning Navigator in its professional training program for its engineers.

Gyan Prakash is bringing the Learning Navigator in Marathi to teachers and students in grades 1 thru 5  in the Indian state of Maharashtra.

SkillsCommon is making its repository of free and open learning resources to the Learning Navigator to facilitate teachers and learning everywhere.

California University at Berkeley is contributing to the research of operationalized learning.

Social Apha is supporting Gooru and Navigated Learning with funding to implement the Learning Navigator in K12 schools in India.

HoverCam is collaborating with Gooru to develop the teacher and learner experience in the classroom.

OFPPT is bring utilizing the Navigator in adult skills training programs in Morocco.

Advanced Distributed Learning or ADL is a US government program conducting R&D for Distributed Learning Modernization.

Drexel University is conducting studies on Navigated Learning and the science and math of learning.

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation was an early funder of Gooru and the promise of Navigated Learning

Gault Unified School District in California is using the Navigator and providing important feedback on the teacher and learning experience.

Google was and early believer in the promise of Gooru's mission and technology and a funder of our work.

Utter is implementing the Learning Navigator to its English learning programs in India and Malaysia.

Our tools are developed in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University School of Education

BRAC, one of the top global NGOs is implementing  the Navigator  to facilitate teachers and learning in classrooms across Bangladesh.

Val Verde Unified School District in California is collaborating with Gooru to improve the teacher and learner experience.

Gooru is a non profit dedicated to the human right of education. It makes learning tools to facilitate educators and learners everywhere.

Lammersville Unified School District in California is using the Navigator and  providing valuable feedback and classroom data to improve the teacher and learner experience.

The University of Delaware is contributed to the use of big date to operationalize learning science as it relates to Navigator.

Colorado State University at Fort Collins University collaborates to improve the Navigator experience for individual students.

The University of Memphis is conducting studies on Navigated Learning.

Research Collaborators

Tanya Dewey, PhD

Research Scientist, Colorado State University; Director, Animal Diversity Web      

Neal Finkelstein, PhD

Director, Innovation Studies program, WestEd  

Kenji Hakuta, PhD

Professor Emeritus, Graduate School of Education, Stanford University

Youngmoo Kim, PhD

Director, Expressive and Creative Interaction Technologies (ExCITe) Center; Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Drexel University

Anjini Kochar, PhD

Director, India Programme at the Stanford Centre for International Development (SCID), Stanford University

Zachary Pardos

Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Education and School of Information, UC Berkeley

Vasile Rus, PhD

Professor, Computer Science, University of Memphis

Teomara (Teya) Rutherford, PhD

Assistant Professor, School of Education, University of Delaware 

Nancy Butler Songer, PhD

Fulbright Scholar; Distinguished Professor, School of Education, Drexel University 

Srinath Srinivasa, PhD

Professor and Dean (R&D), Web Science Lab, International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore (IIIT-B)

Lav Varshney, PhD

Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign