
Navigator enables all collaborators to use shared measurement for real-time data.

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Transforming Learning

Every collaborator in the learning ecosystem is supported by Navigator's real-time data and transparency to promote self-regulation and systemic change.

Real-time feedback

Learners, instructors, parents, administrators, curriculum providers, researchers, and funders get real-time feedback to self-regulate and coordinate in order to optimize gains for learners. Learners can track their progress. Instructors can monitor their learners. Administrators can drill down or roll up to see competencies mastered at the individual, class, district, regional, and national levels to scale success. Researchers can see the efficacy of their science. Anonymized data allows every stakeholder in the system to self-regulate.


Shared Measurements

Navigator aggregates all learning activity stream data from distributed sources to locate all learners and curate all learning activities dynamically. This aggregated and anonymized data is shared in real-time with authorized members. based on their privileges. Content providers and implementers can see how their materials and students are performing, administrators can view all of their schools data at different grain sizes, and researchers can see annonymotzied data across the Navigator landscape. As members share and interpret data, improvements of the interrelated parts of Navigator develop and in turn, provide new, more powerful experiences for all learners.

Inclusive by Design

Navigator is designed to work for all students, even those with learning differences. It also works in all environments, from remote areas with limited technology and connectivity to a device and broadband-rich environments. Navigator works across learning disciplines from pre-K to professionals and in all languages. These capabilities, along with Navigator's full-spectrum of learning activities, enables learning at scale across learners, disciplines, and geographies.

  • The Navigated Learning Collaborative (NLC)... Focuses on tangible outcomes

  • Shares aligned beliefs and a singular objective: to ensure every partner achieves their individual agenda

  • Engages and inspires the community by sharing successes and open-source their expertise

  • Supports a coalition of caring, demonstrating optimism and activism for education

  • Values collective accomplishments over individual successes

  • Practices collective vigilance and shared measurement